“We will become the words we say.”

“Stop Talking” by Miya Folick | I have some more songs on the inbox, but let’s go with something I’ve found weeks ago first, because by this time she’s starting to be everywhere. Well, relatively. She’s been performing for a few years now, and she released her debut full-length last October, so the boat’s already been missed, if we’re so inclined. But there’s an interesting sound here in Miya Folick’s “Stop Talking” – it feels a bit carnivalesque, but not really, but yes, but no. But then reading through the lyrics feels a bit more satisfying than expected, because you notice the turns of phrase (and the manners of delivery) and it just endears you a bit further to the song. So there is that. There’s also her being a trained actor, being part-Japanese and part-Russian, and getting her music career off the ground due to Tinder, but these are details, and there’s this quite deceptively smart song. [NB]

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