The Local Outsider #18: Sleep Alley, I Belong to the Zoo and Gentle Universe… somewhere

To prove that I am, once again, cramming this month’s Local Outsider, I would like to point out the fact that it’s raining outside, classes in many places are suspended, and I have this feeling all the songs here align with the rain somewhat. Again, it’s weird, because I have listed down this month’s acts a few weeks ago. (Okay, so I was not cramming; just the writing, not the listening. This is a hard non-job.) So, for those days when we’re feeling delicate and yet still have to go out to work – unless you really can’t – here’s a bunch of songs for these rainy days ahead. Or otherwise. I’m sure there are other applications for this.

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Live things: Reese Lansangan’s Arigato, Internet! album launch

Reese Lansangan launches her debut solo record, Arigato, Internet!, with a set at Green Sun in Makati.

“The next time Reese holds a collage-making workshop,” Rainy told me, “let me know. I want to join.” So, a little over five months ago, we stocked up on old magazines at Book Sale, bought a shiny new pair of scissors, and went to the workshop. Well, only she took part. I was just there hovering around, doing some pre-blogging (that would be our month-long series on OPM classics) and playing with some questions in my head.

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